Providing your workplace with wrap around EAP & wellbeing services including counselling, coaching training and support.

abound partners with you to run and grow your practice.

On abound you can search and match with a counsellor and make online appointments.

Hello, and welcome

Making support accessible.

Supporting positive mental and emotional health and wellbeing in others is vital. But it’s often hard to find values-aligned support that’s right for you and your organisation.

Our team has been helping Australians like you flourish for over 25 years, through training and accredited counsellors. We connect individuals and organisations with people to help them abound in life.

Abound is our holistic wellbeing platform – designed for workplaces and individuals to access Christian counselling, resources, and support in a secure online environment.

Aifc CEO, Nicholas Marks

EAP & Workplace Wellbeing

Abound at work offers a complete wellbeing service that enables your organisation to take an integrated and proactive approach to support the mental, emotional and spiritual health of your employees.

We work alongside you to see your people and your organisation flourish and grow.

We help you reduce stigma, build awareness and encourage early intervention – through counselling services, resources, lived experience videos and regular check-ins.



Organisations & Non-profits




Organisations & Non-profits



One integrated platform

Our digital platform is designed to make Christian counselling and coaching accessible and secure for anyone, anywhere.

On abound you will find a directory of accredited counsellors suited to a range of needs – who you can book and meet with online.

How it works

Counselling providers can sign up to create a personalised profile. Individuals can then search and filter the directory of counsellors and coaches to find someone best suited to their needs.

We handle the bookings and payments through our secure payment gateway. You can then connect to your counsellor using our encrypted video conferencing tool. All clinical notes are housed on our secure platform after each session.

Set up your account

Search the counsellor / Coach directory

Make a booking

Join your counselling session

Get in Touch

Get in touch to learn more How abound works for you.